It's Time for Summer Art Fun!

Registration for Mrs. Mitrani's 2015 Summer Art Workshops is now open!
Please see times and dates below. We have a little something for everyone this year!
Feel free to email with any questions. Registration information will be sent after emails of interest.
Matilda Pearl and I can't wait to see everyone!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
JGrades 3-5th:
__Morning Session 4 Days: June 8-11 9:00-noon __Afternoon Session 4 Days June 8-11 1-4pm
$165 (Supplies and Snacks Included) $165 (Supplies and Snacks Included)
___Morning and Afternoon Sessions Plus Lunch and Vintage Cartoon, 4 Days 9:00-4:00
$350 (Supplies, Snacks and “Tea Party” Catered Lunches Included)
JGrades 1-2:
___Little Friends Workshop (limit 12) Friday, June 12th 9:00-1:00
$60 (Pizza Party Lunch, Snacks and all Supplies Included)
JGrades 6-8:
___TWEEN Art Workshop (limit 12) Thursday and Friday, June 18-19 9:00-1:00
$150 (Supplies, Two Catered Tea Party Lunches, Snacks and Last Day Cupcake Party Included)